VII Jornadas sobre la Relación Pedagógica en la Universidad

Conference / December 2nd and 3rd, 2021

El lloc de les cures en les relacions pedagògiques a la Universitat

“Quien enseña aprende al enseñar y quien aprende enseña al aprender”

Paulo Freire (1997: p.25). Pedagogía de la autonomía. Saberes necesarios para la práctica educativa
México: Siglo XXI

After canceling the conference that had to be held on June 18 and 19, 2020, the teaching innovation group Indaga-t (GIDCUB-13/087) of the University of Barcelona promotes the VII Conference on the Pedagogical Relationship at the University, emphasizing the pedagogies of care. These conference is organized with the collaboration of the groups that organized the prior editions: Elkarrikertuz (GIU19 / 011) from the University of the Basque Country; EMIPE (Multidisciplinary team on practices in education, GR2006-02) of the Autonomous University of Madrid; and CREARI (Grup de Recerca en Pedagogies Culturals, GIUV2013-103) of the University of Valencia. The Conference will be held on Barcelona (pending confirmation of the specific location) on December 2nd and 3rd, 2021.

The participants will be university researchers, institutional managers, teachers and those people who from both the educational perspective and from the university level could be interested in analyzing the current situation, reviewing what has been done so far, and above all managing future proposals.

The motto of the conference

Care is not part of the priorities of the University, an institution that, with its regulatory mechanisms, promotes, above all, vertical and bureaucratic relationships, competitiveness and individualism in teachers, students, and administration and service personnel. Listening, attention, recognition and reciprocity, which are the characteristics of care, are not part of the agendas of the governing teams. The COVID19 pandemic has revealed that what mattered was that the administrative machinery and classes continued to function, without paying attention to the lives of the people being caught in that machinery.

To balance and respond to this situation, in the space on the margins of these conference, we invite you to share reflections, experiences and research that focus on the ethics of care and, especially, the pedagogies of care. We propose, to start the conversation, the approach of Shayne (2015), who considers them as a set of practices that are inscribed in pedagogical relationships and that promote recognition, mutual fulfillment, development, growth, protection, empowerment, human community, culture and the possibility of being in company.


Thursday December 2nd 2021


Reception to the Conference


Opening of the Conference

Elizabeth Aznar
Directora del CESIRE

Fernando Hernández
Coordinador de las Jornadas


La atención plena para los cuidados en la Universidad

Rosa Torras
Instructora acreditada del programa MBSR

Montse Segarra
Instructora acreditada del programa SQP




First round of conversation around communications

Area 1. The ethics of care in pedagogical relationships

Ixiar Rozas Elizalde and Amaia Urzain Martinez (U. Mondragón)
Cu cu cu. Cu-hacer. cu-aprender. Cu-educar

Aurelio Castro and Fernando Hernández (UB)
Reensamblaje de un aula presuntamente teórica. Codocencia, ecología(s) de aprendizaje y cuidados por debajo en el curso de Visualidades Contemporáneas

Fernando Dias de Oliveira (UB)
¿Educación Física a distancia o educación distante? Reflexiones sobre las relaciones pedagógicas durante la formación del profesorado de Educación Física en universidades públicas y privadas de Brasil

Facilitator: Cristina Alonso, Universitat de Barcelona

Rapporteur: Regina Guerra. Universidad del País Vasco


Second round of conversation around communications

Area 2. Strategies for the lack of care at the University

Nora Navarro Y Mikel Iniesta
Dar cuenta de la experiencia vivida a través de los cuidados en un contexto universitario y pandémico

Ricard Ramon and Ricard Huerta (UV)
Arte efímero y cultura visual como campos de estudio compartidos en una relación pedagógica de larga duración*

Marisa García Baldán, Paula Escobedo Peiro and Rosa Mateu Pérez (U. Jaume I)
Pedagogía del cuidado: una experiencia de buenas prácticas en la docencia universitaria

Facilitator: Judit Vidiella. ERAM. U. Girona

Rapporteur: Silvia de Riba. Universitat de Barcelona




Second action to raise awareness about care: caring for others

Inez Maria Marçal
Researcher in Art Education and Art Therapist




Third round of conversation around communications

Area 1. The ethics of care in pedagogical relationships

Asunción Martínez, José Miguel Correa,  Aingeru Gutiérrez-Cabello Barragán (UPV/EHU)
La huella de los cuidados. Relatos sobre vida académica y comunidades de práctica

Lorena Coca and Franciele Corti (UB)
Vínculo y acompañamiento: Propuestas pedagógicas a partir de una experiencia del cuidado en la Universidad

Marina Riera and Fernando Hernández (UB)
Reconstituir los espacios colectivos y de cuidados en un contexto de distanciamiento social

Facilitador: Fernando Herraiz García. Universitat de Barcelona

Rapporteur: Miriam Peña. UPV/EHU


Balance of the first day


End of the first day

Friday December 3rd 2021


La investigación basada en las artes como lugar de cuidados: un ensayo visual

Judit Onsès, Ana Rita Teixeira and Ana Serra Rocha


Fourth round of conversation around communications

Area 2. Strategies for the lack of care at the University

Ricard Ramón and Amparo Alonso (UV)
Diálogos entre Valencia y Alicante desde el confinamiento*

José Miguel Correa Gorospe, Estibaliz Aberasturi-Apraiz, Aingeru Gutiérrez Cabello Barragán(UPV/EHU)
El cuidado y la relación pedagógica en una investigación sobre cómo aprenden los jóvenes estudiantes universitarios

Judit Onsès (U. Girona), Veronica Hurtubia, Viviana Tartakowsky and Anna Forés (UB)
Cuidados transfronterizos en forma de postal

Facilitador: Joan Antón Sánchez-Valero. Universitat de Barcelona

Rapporteur: Alaitz Sasiain. UPV/EHU




Fifth round of conversation around communications

Scope 4. The place of care in the evaluation. Area 2. Strategies for the lack of care at the University

Miriam Peña, Alaitz Sasiain and Regina Guerra (UPV/EHU)
Reflexionar sobre la agencia del silencio en la evaluación. Una aproximación desde lo procesual en la Educación Artística

Miguel Stuardo Concha, Javiera Cubillos Almendra, Sandra Soler Campo (UB)
Ética del cuidado, del autocuidado y la docencia universitaria: auto-análisis de las tensiones en la relación pedagógica en la enseñanza en línea y presencial

Mercedes Blanchard Giménez and Mª Dolores Muzás Rubio (UAM)
Claves y estrategias para el cuidado de los estudiantes en la universidad*

Facilitator: Anna Forés. Universitat de Girona

Relator: Aurelio Castro. Universitat de Barcelona


Mapping the care in the Conference

Coordinated by: Estitxu Aberarsturi (UPV/EHU) and Sara Carrasco (UB)


Balance of the Conference from the synthesis of the Rapporteurs


End of the Conference

* The people who have submitted these communications will not be present at the Conference.


We plan the participation of a maximum of 50 people. All participants must submit a communication, which must be approved. Communications presented by working groups will be especially valued. The communications will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee, in charge of approving them. There will be four different thematic sections to give coherence to all the sessions. Each communication will be presented with a specific thematic section.

Thematic sections

From the start we have tried to make the meeting a space for sharing and not a stage in which some speak and others listen. That is why the participants can access the summaries of the communications in advance so that they can then actively participate in the sessions.

The sessions are organized around four topics for debate, which are related to its title:

  1. The ethics of care in pedagogical relationships.
  2. Strategies for the lack of care at the University.
  3. The relationships between care and non-human actants.
  4. The place of care in the evaluation.

Organization of the Conference

Based on these questions, the temporary organization of the two hours devoted to each topic is articulated as follows:

  1. Presentation of the topic and communications by the person coordinating (15 minutes).
  2. Presentation of each communication focused on the experiences, research and questions posed by the topic in which it has been included (5 minutes each).
  3. Questions from the coordinator to whom they present the communications and debate among all the participants about the issues raised in the topic (45 minutes).
  4. Synthesis of the session by the rapporteurs (10 minutes).

It is important to follow this guidelines so that the sessions can promote listening, dialogue and learning together.

Deadlines for submitting abstracts of communications

The deadline for submitting abstracts (title, authorship and a text page) will be November 10th, 2021. Before November 15th, 2021, those who have submitted the abstracts will be responded to.

Organization of the abstracts (2,000 words, 12 points in Times New Roman), to facilitate the understanding of the proposal and prepare the discussion:

  • Title.
  • Author(s).
  • University and email address.
  • Keywords.
  • Thematic section to which it is linked.
  • Abstract with bibliography.

Abstracts can be sent to


December 2nd and 3rd 2021



Centre de Recursos Específics de Suport a la Innovació i a la Recerca Educativa

Av. Drassanes, 10
08001 Barcelona
Metro Drassanes, sortida Av. Drassanes

Organized by

Organizing Comittee

Estíbaliz Aberasturi Apraiz
Universidad del País Vasco

Cristina Alonso Cano
Universitat de Barcelona

Amparo Alonso Sanz
Universitat de València

Aurelio Castro Varela
Universitat de Barcelona

José Miguel Correa Gorospe
Universidad del País Vasco

Maria Domingo Coscollola
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Anna Forés Miravalles
Universitat de Barcelona

Xavier Giró Gràcia
Universitat de Barcelona

Aingeru Gutierrez Cabello
Universidad del País Vasco

Fernando Hernández y Hernández
Universitat de Barcelona

Fernando Herraiz García
Universitat de Barcelona

Ricard Huerta Ramon
Universitat de València

Laura Malinverni
Universitat de Barcelona

Raquel Miño Puigcercós
Universitat de Barcelona

Joaquín Paredes Labra
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Pablo Rivera Vargas
Universitat de Barcelona

Joan-Anton Sanchez i Valero
Universitat de Barcelona

Juana Maria Sancho Gil
Universitat de Barcelona

Judit Vidiella Pagès
ERAM, Universitat de Girona

With support from

Universitat de Barcelona

Generalitat de Catalunya