This report presents part of the processes and results from the I+D+I project: Políticas y prácticas en torno a las TIC en la enseñanza obligatoria: Implicaciones para la innovación y la mejora (Policy and practices related to ICT in obligatory education: Implications for innovation and improvement), partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Ministry for Science and Innovation). SEJ2007-67562.
It brings together four case studies carried out in two public secondary schools and in two primary schools in Catalonia, which have allowed the researchers to elucidate the impact of policy which determines the use of ICT, as well as of other political initiatives that favour innovation and improvement in each centre. Special attention has been given to:
- (a) themes regarding the organisation of time and space;
- (b) each centre’s curriculum development (views on knowledge and learning, the students’ and teachers’ roles, the place of ICT in education, etc);
- (c) teachers’ work conditions (access to training, spaces and practices that facilitate collaboration, professional development);
- (d) learning results (intellectual, social and personal value given to what is learned, capacity to transfer skills and knowledge in order to continue learning).
- Juana Mª Sancho
- Cristina Alonso Cano
Dipòsit Digital de la UB, 2011