V Jornades sobre la Relació Pedagògica a la Universitat: nous entorns d’aprenentatge

Conference / January 20th and 21st, 2016


CREARI Grup de Recerca en Pedagogies Culturals (GUB 2013-103) at the University of Valencia promotes V Jornades Sobre la Relació Pedagògica a la Universitat: Nous Entorns d’Aprenentatge, with the collaboration of the groups that organized earlier editions: Esbrina Indaga-t (GIDCUB-13/087) of the University of Barcelona, ​​Elkarrikertuz, Universidad del País Vasco and FORPROICE (Formación del Profesorado, Innovación y Complejidad en Educación) of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The Conference will be held in the University of Valencia on January 20th and 21st, 2016. The Institute for Educational Innovation and Creativity at the University of Valencia is the organization that coordinates this conference.

The conference consolidates the work done by the University of Valencia in recent years. In attendance there will be university researchers, institutional leaders, teachers, and both those with a educational perspective and from the university might be interested in analyzing the current situation, review what has been done so far, and specially handle proposals for the future. The success of previous editions organized by the Institute for Creativity and Educational Innovations, along with the Department of Teaching Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression, support this new project. International conferences such as Els Valors de l’Art a l’Ensenyament (2000), Congrés lnternacional Museus i Educació Artística (in 2005), Congrés Internacional Art, Mestres i Museus (in 2010), and Congrés Internacional Educació Artística i Diversitat Sexual (2015) and previous editions of the International Conference on Arts Education Research (held in 1997, 2002, 2008, 2012 and 2015) have impacted significantly in this area, in University of Valencia and turn our city into a reference for reflection on these topics related to educational environments. Subsequent research has resulted in a series of publications, among which include books La Mirada Inquieta, Espacíos Estimulantes, Mentes Sensibles, Maestros y museos, Patrimonios Migrantes, Educación Artística y Diversidad Sexual (published by PUV), all very welcome to an ever greater and more interested in these issues. This initiative also promotes the celebration of fifteen consecutive editions of the Diploma in Art Education and Management of Museums, a postgraduate course we intend to turn into an internationally recognized course in a masters format.

Program advance

Wednesday January 20th 2016


Collecting documentation and accreditation of participants


Presentation of the conference by representatives of the participating institutions and bodies


First Session of Communications and Debate


Second Session of Communications and Debate


Third session of Communications and Round Table Interventions


Presentation of publications and other activities

Thursday January 21st 2016


Fourth Session of Communications and Debate


Fifth Session of Communications and Debate


Sixth Session of Communications and Debate


Round table with university research projects coordinators


Official closing session and conclusions of the Conference

Papers submission

It is expected the participation of a maximum of 50 participants. All participants must present a paper, which must be approved. Papers by working groups will be specially valued. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee, responsible for approving them. There will be four different thematic sections to give coherence to all the sessions. Each paper must be submitted with a specific thematic section.

Thematic Sections

  1. Virtual environments mediated by digital technologies
  2. Collaborative environments for students
  3. Collaborative environments for teachers
  4. Environments to enhance collaboration with social groups

Deadlines to submit abstracts of papers

The deadline to submit abstracts (title, author and a single text page) will be December 20th, 2015. Notifications of approval will be send before January 10th, 2016. Abstracts should be sent to ricard.huerta@uv.es

Those interested in publishing their proposals as an article, will have to send the full text to www.revistaeari.org before March 30th, 2016


January 20th and 21st 2016


Universitat de València

Organizing Committee

  • Estíbaliz Aberasturi Apraiz (Universidad del País Vasco)
  • Amparo Alonso Sanz (Universitat de València)
  • José Miguel Correa Gorospe (Universidad del País Vasco)
  • Agustín Dela Herràn (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  • Ricardo Domínguez Ruiz (Universitat de València)
  • Xavier Giró Gràcia (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Fernando Hernández Hernández (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Ricard Huerta Ramon (Universitat de València)
  • Paula Jardón Giner (Universitat de València)
  • David Mascarell Palau (Universitat de València)
  • Germàn Navarro Espinach (Universidad de Zaragoza)
  • Joaquín Paredes Labra (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  • Ricard Ramon Camps (Universitat de València)
  • Paloma Rueda Gascó (Universitat de València)
  • Juana Maria Sancho Gil (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Aida Sánchez de Serdio (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Loli Soto González (Florida Universitaria)

With support from