Proposta interuniversitària de formació inicial de mestres en tecnologies digitals

Generalitat de Catalunya, ajuts de recerca per a la millora de la formació inicial de mestres. 2015 ARMIF 00027

Project Overview

Since the implementation of the teacher degree, there have been growing concerns, which were already present for the old diploma, that students of these courses do not receive adequate training in relation to digital technologies. These concerns are present in Educational Technology annual conferences and academic journals related to this field on a regular basis.

The transition from a compulsory subject in the old diploma for all universities, New Technologies Applied to Education, questioned since its inception, to a transversal approach in the different subjects of the degree is not giving the expected results. On the one hand, digital technologies have a very different treatment in the curricula of the Catalan universities, and on the other, the bet on transversality means that each professor who teaches a different subject treats digital technologies differently.

Departament d’Educació’s Projecte Interdepartamental de Competència Digital Docent has been an important milestone, not only for fixing these skills, but also because it has been prepared by consensus by Catalan universities.

The project objective is to develop a proposal for inter-university initial training of teachers in relation to digital technologies. This proposal will take into account:

  • Bibliography and research around the initial training of teachers in relation to digital technologies
  • The powers set out in Departament d’Educació’s Projecte Interdepartamental de Competència Digital Docent
  • The current curricula and courses related to digital technologies in the teacher degree in Catalan universities
  • Information on stays of university professors in teacher training institutions abroad, the MOB-MIF call
  • The practice carried out in educational centers, by collecting views on the training needs related to digital technologies, from associations of teachers, well known teachers and students from the teacher degrees

We will inform of our a first proposal academic policy makers of the Catalan universities, educational policy makers of the Departament d’Educació, and the educational community in general, to seek for improvements to the proposal and to articulate its implementation. Also, we will disseminate the project results through own website, seminars, conferences and articles in both academic and popular journals.

We are aware that this proposal represents a great challenge and therefore it needs an approach that goes beyond individual solutions by each university, requiring an approach that involves all universities. That is why the members that make up the project proposal belong to:

  • Nine Catalan universities that offer teacher grades: UB, UAB, UdL, UdG, URV, URL, UVic, UIC and UAO
  • Eleven Catalan universities that participated in the Departament d’Educació’s Projecte Interdepartamental de Competència Digital Docent: the previous nine universities, plus UPF and UOC

We also have, as a participant of the project, the director of the Masters in Educational Technology at the University of Buenos Aires.


  • Joan-Anton Sánchez (coordinator, UB)
  • Cristina Alonso (UB)
  • Martí Cerezo (UB)
  • Pablo Rivera (UB)
  • Sara Carrasco (project intern, UB)
  • Xavier Giró (Research support technician, UB)
  • Alejandra Bosco (UAB)
  • Katia Veronica Pozos (collaborator, UAB)
  • Georgina Rovira (UdL)
  • Meritxell Estebanell (UdG)
  • Mar Camacho (URV)
  • Jordi Simon (URL)
  • Jordi Chumillas (UVIC)
  • Maria Domingo (UIC)
  • Ferran Gandol (UAO-CEU)
  • Montse Guitert (UOC)
  • Carme Hernández (UPF)
  • Marianna Maggio (UBA)

Generalitat de Catalunya, ajuts de recerca per a la millora de la formació inicial de mestres. 2015 ARMIF 00027