Rethinking pre-vocational education to support young Europeans on their way from school to work

Symposium / July 6th, 2017

A Multiplier training event of the Erasmus+ project “Show your own Gold – a European Concept to Visualize and Reflect One’s Vocational Biography Using Digital Media”


  • To maximize the benefit of the project’s results to multipliers such as trainers, teachers, youth workers, educators, policy makers and decision makers to enable them to apply it in their work contexts.
  • To disseminate the project’s results and show how to develop digital biographical narratives for learning and using an online multimedia portfolio platform.
  • To extend the concept of biographic visual narrative in the different countries and contexts.
  • To involve academics, teachers, social mediators, policy makers and other stakeholders in alternative vocational youth education policies.

The language of the event will be English, but there will be simultaneous translation.


Thursday July 6th 2017




Welcome and introduction to the multiplier training event

Sr. Pablo Martínez
Programs coordinator, MACBA.

Prof. Dr. Juana M. Sancho
Research Group Esbrina, University of Barcelona.

Dr. Daniela Reimann
KIT, project coordinator of the ‘Show your own Gold’ Erasmus+ project.


Approaches towards pre-Vocational Education and Training:

The governmental perspective: Rethinking and sharing Policies

Prof. Dr. Paulo Padilla Petry
Esbrina. University of Barcelona

Sr. Estanislau Vidal-Folch de Balanzó.
Sub-direcció General de Programes, Formació i Innovació. Department d’Educació. Generalitat de Catalunya

Sra. Cornelia Radu
Agency for Employment Ilfov, Romania

Sr. João Couvaneiro
The National Agency for Qualifications and Vocational Education. Government of Portugal.



Coffee break


The academic perspective: Rethinking and sharing approaches and results of pre-vocational education and training

Graham Attwell
Pontydysgu, Wales, U.K.

Challenges of pre-vocational education and training and vocational orientation

Prof. Dr. Martin Fischer
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany.

Self-concept and educational pathway: influences and ruptures

Dr. Marina Elias
Research Group on Education and Work (GRET), Spain.

Open education and pre-vocational education and training and vocational orientation

Dr. Maria Perifanou
University of Macedonia, Greece.



Supporting young people through digital narratives and e-portfolios: Transitions, competence and efficacy

Presentation of the project’s Website, Online Multimedia Portfolio

Graham Attwell and Dirk Stieglitz
Pontydysgu, Wales, U.K.


Lunch break

Lessons learned in the 6 partner countries: Scenarios and results


Introduction to Erasmus+ project ‘Show your own gold’

Dr. Daniela Reimann
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, project coordinator

Overview of the scenarios realized and results in the partner countries

Dr. Daniela Reimann.


Performed photo interviews

Dr. Daniela Reimann
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.


My digital self

Liliana Voicu/Cristina Radu
SC AxA Consulting 99 SRL, Bucharest, Romania.


The Tree of Life

Prof. Vito Carioca, Prof. Aldo Passarinho i Prof. Tiago Caldas Nunes,
Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal.


Coffee break


Digital identity and data security

Graham Attwell/Dirk Stieglitz
Pontydysgu, Wales, U.K.


Me in an infographic and video

Martina Mrakovčič, Meta Brečič y Zavod Nefiks


The power of visualizing biographical narratives

Prof. Dr. Juana M Sancho Gil y Dr. David Viñuales
University of Barcelona, Spain.



Montserrat Rifà
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.


Questions and debate


Conclusions and recommendations

Towards a European pre-VET pathway and curriculum

Dr. Fernando Hernández-Hernández
University of Barcelona


End of the event

Satisfaction survey

If you have attended this event, please fill out the satisfaction survey available on the project’s website.


July 6th 2017


Auditori Meier
Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)

Plaça dels Àngels, 1
08001 Barcelona

Organized by

Show your own gold – a European Concept to Visualize and Reflect One’s Vocational Biography Using Digital Media
Finançat per la European Commission, ERASMUS+, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

With support from

Departament de Didàctica i Organització Educativa

Universitat de Barcelona