Teaching/Learning/Researching: How boundaries make meaning

Conference / December 10th, 2018

This international event calls for doctoral students, not only from the Faculties of Fine Arts and Education, but also from the University of Barcelona and other universities, as well as the scientific community at large. Its objective is to offer an overview of the contributions that new materialisms can offer to young researchers, so that they can develop interdisciplinary connections, not only in their tools as teachers but also in their research training.

It will take place in the Board Room of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona on December 10th, 2018.

For more information: esbrina@ub.edu


Monday December 10th 2018



Fernando Hernández
Director of the graduate program in Arts and Education

Eloi Puig
Director of the Department of Visual Arts and Design of the Faculty of Fine Arts

Dolors Tapias
Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts

Beatriz Revelles
Postdoctoral Researcher Juan de la Cierva and coordinator of the event


The Generative Curriculum


Iris van der Tuin
Professor at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands




Cybernetics -> Algorithms -> Media Literacy

Felicity Colman
Professor at the University of Kingston, United Kingdom


On Meaning and Cyberspace.Criticism-Creativity and Online Education

Edyta Just
Senior researcher at Linköping University, Sweden




Affecting Pedagogies: a feminist new materialist approach

Beatriz Revelles
Postdoctoral Researcher Juan de la Cierva, University of Barcelona


Teaching-learning-researching in uncertain times

Taula Rodona

Fernando Hernández
Universitat de Barcelona

Juana M. Sancho
Universitat de Barcelona

Aurelio Castro
Universitat de Barcelona

Silvia de Riba
Máster “Artes Visuales y Educación: Un enfoque construccionista”


Balance of the day


December 10th 2018


Sala de Juntes
Facultat de Belles Arts

Universitat de Barcelona
Campus Zona Universitària

Carrer de Pau Gargallo, 4
08028 Barcelona

Organized by

With support from

This event has the collaboration of the teacher innovation group Indaga-t (GIDCUB-13/087) and the support of the Research Commission of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the doctoral program Arts and Education.