Les cartografies visuals com a estratègia per donar sentit a l’aprenentatge des de la perspectiva de projectes d’indagació

Course / February and March, 2019

UB’s Institut de Desenvolupament Professional Course

One of the contributions that are derived from project based learning is the importance that is given to the development of the multiple modalities (textual, oral, visual, corporal and aural) when it comes to giving an account of the processes and trajectories of apprentices. Within the visual contributions, cartographies are revealed as a strategy, a device that allows to situate biographical, spatial and temporal events, and that opens up narrative, reflective and evaluative possibilities that make it possible not only to follow the learning paths but also its interrelations with situations and experiences inside and outside the schools. In addition, they allow them to connect with the life of the apprentices. This sets them up as a tool with incredible potential to promote meaningful learning.


  1. Share and bring to the classroom’s daily life the contributions derived from the research project APREN-DO: How the teachers learn: educational implications and challenges to face social change (EDU2015-70912-C2-1-R).
  2. Explore the possibilities of visual cartographies as a narrative, reflective and evaluative tool for trajectories and learning processes.
  3. Link the potential of cartographies with learning for inquiry projects.
  4. Bring the processes and contributions derived from the training to a public event about the role of cartographies in the classroom life.


February 20th and 27th
March 13th and 20th
From 17.30h to 20.45h



Edifici Migdia I
Aula 1301

Universitat de Barcelona
Campus Mundet
Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron 171
Barcelona, CP 08035

Organized by

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UB’s Institut de Desenvolupament Professional Course

One of the contributions that are derived from project based learning is the importance that is given to the development of the multiple modalities (textual, oral, visual, corporal and aural) when it comes to giving an account of the processes and trajectories of apprentices. Within the visual contributions, cartographies are revealed as a strategy, a device that allows to situate biographical, spatial and temporal events, and that opens up narrative, reflective and evaluative possibilities that make it possible not only to follow the learning paths but also its interrelations with situations and experiences inside and outside the schools. In addition, they allow them to connect with the life of the apprentices. This sets them up as a tool with incredible potential to promote meaningful learning.


  1. Share and bring to the classroom’s daily life the contributions derived from the research project APREN-DO: How the teachers learn: educational implications and challenges to face social change (EDU2015-70912-C2-1-R).
  2. Explore the possibilities of visual cartographies as a narrative, reflective and evaluative tool for trajectories and learning processes.
  3. Link the potential of cartographies with learning for inquiry projects.
  4. Bring the processes and contributions derived from the training to a public event about the role of cartographies in the classroom life.

[button text=”More information and registration” url=”http://www.ub.edu/ice/cursos/ips19/cartografies” size=”m”]


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Face-to-face sessions
February 20 and 27 and March 13 and 20, from 5:30 pm to 8:45 pm

Public event
Friday, March 29 from 5.30 am to 8:30 pm, and on Saturday, March 30 from 10 am to 2 pm


[alert type=”col-wisteria” close=”no”]Free course[/alert]

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Face-to-face sessions
Campus de Mundet. Aula 1301 (Edifici Migdia I)

Public event
Fundació Tàpies (c. d’Aragó, 255)


