This book has its origin in a conversation we had in one of the meetings of the teaching innovation group of the University of Barcelona INDAGA-T. In that meeting, two professors presented what the experience of sharing teaching was to them. This fact made us consider that sharing was a characteristic of the group and, in addition to narrating some scenes of pedagogical relationships and how they affected teachers and students, we considered that we were dealing with a topic that needed to be deepened.
From this arose this publication that is articulated from three premises. Share some sections of our journey, not with a celebratory character, but assuming and realizing the possibilities and tensions that the classes pose in company. Doing this without forgetting the publications that exist about this teaching modality, especially since the need to offer students more relational knowledge experiences not limited by a disciplinary field appeared in the nineties. Finally, do not forget that sharing teaching, in the same classroom, with the same proposal, at the same time, does not line up well with the current economistic vision of the University.
In spite of that, we consider that it is a worthwhile experience, because not only does it give a different meaning to being a teacher, but it also generates other movements in the students that contribute to meaningful learning.
- Fernando Hernández Hernández
- Fernando Herraiz
Editorial Octaedro, 2019
ISBN 978-84-17667-12-2