Universidades de élite en Chile. Entre la movilidad y la reproducción social

Seminar / June 14th, 2022

Considering the process of massification of tertiary education experienced in Chile and Latin America, the study analyzes the characteristics, mechanisms and forms of development of a select and small group of universities: the elite universities. Based on a 5-year investigation that included analysis of census data, ethnographies in educational institutions, interviews with graduates, analysis of institutional files, survey of students, and biographical analysis of key interviewees, the research analyzes –using an interpretive framework that uses bourdesian and post-bourdesian concepts– the way in which institutions and subjects adapt to, on the one hand, respond to the pressures of inclusion and social mobility and, on the other, generate mechanisms for the production and reproduction of political, social elites and economics of the country.

Article: Quaresma, M. L., & Villalobos, C. (2022). Elite universities in Chile: Between social mobility and reproduction of inequality. Tuning Journal for Higher Education, 9(2), 29-62. https://doi.org/10.18543/tjhe.1920

Cristóbal Villalobos

He is currently Associate Researcher and co-director of the Center for Studies of Policies and Practices in Education (CEPPE-UC) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. He is a sociologist and Social Worker at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and has a Master’s in Economics Applied to Public Policy from the Alberto Hurtado-Georgetown University and a Doctor of Social Sciences from the University of Chile. His topics of interest are inequality, educational policies and social movements.


Tuesday June 14th, 2022



Dr. Joan-Anton Sánchez
Director of the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization at the University of Barcelona

Dra. Cristina Alonso
Esbrina research group coordinator

Dr. Lluís Parcerisa
Juan de la Cierva Researcher at the Didactics and Educational Organization Department of the University of Barcelona


Universitats d’elit a Xile. Entre la mobilitat i la reproducció social


Dr. Cristóbal Villalobos
Academic and Associate Researcher and co-director of the Center for Studies of Policies and Practices in Education (CEPPE-UC) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile


Debate and closure


June 15th 2022, 15.30h


Edifici Llevant, 2a planta
Departament de Didàctica i Organització Educativa, Sala 240
Facultat d’Educació

Universitat de Barcelona
Campus Mundet
Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron 171
Barcelona, CP 08035

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