Desvinculació escolar, abandonament i desigualtats: una mirada des de la justícia social

Seminar / May 18th, 2023

Aina Tarabini

Professor at the Sociology Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and deputy director at the GEPS research center (Globalisation, Education and Social Policy). Her research focuses on the (re)production of social inequalities in the daily life of educational systems, schools and students. She is particularly interested in the analysis of teaching and learning processes, the modalities of pedagogical and curricular provision and the identities, experiences and trajectories of students through the system. In general, her research aims to connect the subjective, institutional and systemic dimensions of inequality with a qualitative approach. She was the main researcher of the project Edupost16. The construction of post-16 educational opportunities. An analysis of post-compulsory educational transitions in urban settings. Some of her recent books include: Tarabini, A. (2022). Educational Transitions and Social Justice. Understanding Upper secondary school choices in urban contexts (Policy Press); Tarabini, A. (2019) The Conditions for School Success Examining Educational Exclusion and Dropping Out (Palgrave); Tarabini, A. & Ingram. N. (2018). Educational Choices, Transitions and Aspirations in Europe. (Routledge)


Thursday May 18th 2024



Dra. Judith Jacovkis Halperin
Miembro de Esbrina, profesora del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Facultad de Educación, Universitat de Barcelona


Desvinculació escolar, abandonament i desigualtats: una mirada des de la justícia social


Aina Tarabini
Profesora del Departamento de Sociología de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Discussion and closing


May 18th 2024, 15.30h



Saló de graus de la tercera planta.
Edifici Midgia 1. Facultat d’Educació.

Universitat de Barcelona
Campus Mundet
Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron 171
Barcelona, CP 08035

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