La mediació del professorat en la incorporació de les analítiques d’aprenentatge i la intel·ligència artificial en l’educació secundària obligatòria: evidències, estratègies i pràctiques per a la personalització de l’educació / MedIAP

Convocatòria de subvencions a projectes de recerca educativa en nivells no universitaris durant el període 2023-2026 (EDU/2903/2023). Departament d'Educació. Generalitat de Catalunya. Referència: EDU145/23/000004

The research project aims to analyze the perceptions, knowledge and uses of learning analytics (AA) and artificial intelligence (AI) for the personalization of learning in compulsory secondary education (ESO) in Catalonia, as well as designing an implementation and evaluation protocol for its introduction in classrooms with the mediation of the teaching staff.

General Objectives

  1. To investigate how artificial intelligence and learning analytics are perceived and used by teachers and students in Compulsory Secondary Education.
  2. Provide evidence that contributes to the design and implementation of AI and AA in secondary schools in Catalonia.


It starts from a systematic review of configurative literature to identify the contexts, mechanisms and results of different types of interventions with AA and AI in ESO, which is complemented by a meta-analysis based on a subsample of empirical quantitative research. Next, 6 case studies will be developed in centers with different school contexts to explore how, under what circumstances and for whom interventions with these technologies work. The case studies will follow a mixed methods design and will combine in-depth interviews with management teams and ICT coordination with surveys and discussion groups with students and teachers.


The results of the research will improve the understanding of the implementation of AA and AI in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO). They will also make it possible to grasp the factors that facilitate or hinder its implementation. Based on the evidence obtained, an implementation and evaluation protocol will be designed to incorporate AA and AI in secondary schools.

Research team

  • Lluis Parcerisa Marmi (IP)
  • Carles Lindín Soriano (IP)
  • Cristina Alonso Cano
  • Diego Calderón Garrido
  • Judith Jacovkis Halperin
  • Raquel Miño
  • Joan-Anton Sánchez i Valero
  • Pablo Rivera-Vargas

Convocatòria de subvencions a projectes de recerca educativa en nivells no universitaris durant el període 2023-2026 (EDU/2903/2023). Departament d’Educació. Generalitat de Catalunya. Referència: EDU145/23/000004