VUCA, the acronym for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous, is a term that emerged from the theory of business management in the 1980s, widely used today in all sectors to define the new states of social and political life. The university, its entire ecosystem and learning conditions, is no stranger at pace with the speed with which changes occur in changing directions, the difficulty of predicting the uncertain future, the complexity of the forces that affect us, and the increasingly ambiguous meaning of the events we experience. That is why the authors of this work propose that teachers, managers, families and the media know how students relate today to teaching and learning at the university and how they do so from their positions, experiences and expectations.
“It’s time for us to talk about how college students learn” is the title of the symposium from which the chapters of this book originate. Not as a compilation of communications, but as a crossroads of experiences, knowledge and research, which enable the production of knowledge in the entanglement between different study topics, proposals and experiences.
- Fernando Hernandez-Hernández,
- Judit Onsès Segarra
Morata, 2024.
ISBN: 978-84-19287-78-6