Strategies to promote metacognition and reflection on the learning process

Extension activity

Teachers’ development seminar for teachers of infant, primary and secondary education organized by the Vallès Occidental Educational Services, as part of the activities of the XIEB Network. This seminar took place on 24 October, 9 November 2024, 21 January and 25 February 2025 in Badia del Vallès (Barcelona)

This seminar welcomed 140 teachers, who are part of the driving groups of 70 primary and secondary schools located in the Vallès Occidental region (Catalonia). Despite this number of participants, the training was organized through an action research process in which the observations collected from the schools were related to the research on metacognition and learning strategies. The topics on which this relationship was based were the difficulties to learn from the perspective of students and teachers, how they face the dispersion of attention and the strategies that teachers propose so that students reflect on their learning.


October 24th, November 9th, 2024; February 21st, 2025


Fernando Hernández-Hernández