Pedagogías emergentes en la sociedad digital (vol. 3)

Liber Libro Ediciones / 2022

This book, entitled “Pedagogías emergentes en la sociedad digital (vol. 3)”, is the result of a set of reflections carried out during the development of the subject “Environments, Processes and Technological Learning Resources”, of the degree of Pedagogy, of the University of Barcelona. The subject aims to reinforce the critical thinking of the students in relation to the use of digital technologies, but at the same time provide them with digital skills that enable a comprehensive and effective use of these tools.

To this end, and with the Covid-19 pandemic in full effect, from the beginning of the course we urge students to choose and analyze a specific case or phenomenon, of special interest to them, in which the digital technologies have had an important role in their development. The result has been the writing of nine chapters that address topics as varied as school coexistence, teaching and learning processes, gender relations, feminism, the digital divide, irregular immigration, digital inclusion in school contexts, social movements, among other relevant issues, which, as we have said, have been strongly conditioned by the incidence of digital technologies and Internet.


  • Pablo Rivera Vargas
  • Paulina Guajardo
  • Mireia Marchante
  • Minerva Moreno
  • Sandra Núñez
  • Marc Ordóñez

Liber Libro Ediciones, 2022

ISBN 978-84-19152-23-7