This project is a continuation of a research program that started with the R&D project “School+ more than a platform to build the school of tomorrow” (IST-2000-25162), partially funded by the European Union through the call The School of Tomorrow, from the Information Society Technologies area of the 5th Framework Programme. This initiative was developed further during the project “Learning for understanding in virtual environments in secondary schools: the School+ Network¿, partially funded by DURSI through the ARIE 2004 call. It falls under the same epistemological (socio-cultural) and methodological (constructionist) perspectives as these previous projects and is based on the use of different types of evidence. Special attention was paid to the question of how to assess learning in terms of understanding and meaning making. In this context, the notion of the portfolio – the e-portfolio, webfolio, electronic or digital portfolio – acquires special importance as an assessment strategy which favors more complex forms of learning. This report, in accordance with the provisions stated in the research project, provides answers to the following questions:
- (a) What are the possibilities and limitations of the electronic portfolio as a system for evaluating complex learning processes, aimed at developing understanding and meaning making?
- (b)How do processeses of innovation and secondary teaching improvement ocurr when virtual information and communication environments are used and the development of an interdisciplinary educational model and curriculum is persued?
- (c) Which pedagogical, organizational, cognitive and emotional processes are involved in learning situations aimed at understanding and meaning making rather than memorization and the repetition of content?
- (d) How can we develop collaboration among teachers, students and secondary schools?
- Juana Mª Sancho
- Fernando Hernández
Dipòsit Digital de la UB, 2010