This text is part of a research project “The effects of social change at work and professional life of academics”, partly funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2006-01876), in which we explored change in legislation, institutional organization, research, management and education in the last thirty years.
The main objective of the study was to deepen our understanding of the impact of economic, social, cultural, technologicaland labour change undergoing in Spanish universities in the professional life and identity of teachers and researchers, taking into account the national and European contexts.
This publication contains the 24 professional life histories developed about or with many other university teachers. Their analysed and contextualized narrativesare a significant contribution to research-based knowledge on professional knowledge and experience in Spanishuniversities, and therefore for our understanding of how scholars are facing and coping with current change.
- Juana Mª Sancho
- Fernando Hernández
- Sandra Martínez
- Patricia Hermosilla Salazar
- Amalia Creus Quinteros
- Aida Sánchez de Serdio Martín
- Montserrat Rifá Valls
- Paulo Padilla Petry
- Adriana Ornellas
- Virginia Ferrer i Cervero
- Alejandra Montané López
- Alicia Cid Reborido
- Luis Hernández Yánez
- Xosé Henrique Costas González
- Lurdes Sagarzazu Unanue
- Rafael Ruiz Álvarez
- Pilar Campins Falcó
- Antonio Aparicio Juan
- Francisco Javier Tejedor Tejedor
- Fernando Romero Subirón
- Isabel Merodio de la Colina
- Marina Gordaliza Escobar
Dipòsit Digital de la UB, 2013