The project is aimed at developing a concept for consultancy, including course design, to display the vocational biography of young, unemployed people. This is done by producing media and a media-based online environment to visualise (informally) acquired competencies by the use of media-based competence portfolios. Within the framework of the project, both the internet-based competence portfolio and consultancy offered for participants of vocational preparation courses will be developed in the form of an accompanying course. This course will be conducted and evaluated.
The project realizes an innovative approach to create a digital portfolio about individual vocational competencies gained through work experience or courses during vocational preparation or orientation programs. It aims to integrate current digital media culture practice (video, social media, mobile technology) of young people into vocational preparation to facilitate school to work transition.

Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie. Dr. Daniela Reimann
Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Art and Multimedia Laboratory.
Beja Portugal (Prof. Dr. Aldo Passarinho, Prof. Ana Sofia Velhinhu Sousa)
PontyDisgu Ltd.
Wales, U.K. (Graham Attwell, Jenny Hughes)
SC AxA Consulting 99 SRL
Bucarest, Romania, (Liliana Voicu)
Universitat de Barcelona
Esbrina Research Group. (Prof. Dr. Fernando Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Juana Sancho-Gill, Dr. Paulo Padilla; Dr. Maria Domingo; Judith Arrazola, PhD student; Carlos Canales, PhD student; Xavier Giró Gràcia)
Ljubljana, Slovenia (Alenka Blazinšek)
European Commission. Erasmus+ programme. Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. 2014-1-DE02-KA202-001430. 2014-2017