From Esbrina’s study, research and practice program, which led us to organize the exploratory seminar Imagining Education: Seeking New Metaphors for Schooling, we invite you to participate in the conference Rethinking and Transforming School with the People, given by Dr. Robert Peterson, editor of Rethinking Schools, former president of the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association, Wisconsin (USA), 5th grade teacher for 30 years and founder of La Escuela bilingüe Fratney.
Dr. Peterson has a number of publications, some of them in Spanish, among which are: Rethinking Mathematics, Rethinking Globalization. Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World, and the chapter Peterson, R. (1997). School Fratney: a journey towards democracy. In J. M. W. Apple and Beane A. (Eds.), Democratic schools (95-130). Madrid: Ediciones Morata.
Drawing from his career working with communities and organized groups to promote inclusive, community-based, democratic and socially just education, his intervention will provide elements to reconsider the notion of curricular knowledge, teaching methodology and evaluation.
At a time that poses considerable challenges for education, it seems necessary to hear voices with a long history of research, education and citizen action, dedicated to improving public education and social justice.
June 2nd 2016
From 18.00h to 20.00h
Aula Magna de la Universitat de Barcelona
Edifici històric
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585
Organized by

With support from
- Gabinet del rector de la Universitat de Barcelona
- Departament de Didàctica i Organització Educativa, Universitat de Barcelona.