Teaching/Learning/Researching: How boundaries make meaning

Conference / December 10th, 2018
Conference / December 10th, 2018
Symposium / September 13th, 2018
Winter School / December 12-14, 2018
PhD dissertations tutored by group members
Symposium / October 25th and 26th, 2018
Editorial Octaedro / 2017
Symposium / July 6th, 2017
What do we know about how young people learn. Implications for secondary and higher education. Participants Ola Erstad. University of Oslo. Department of Education. Patrick Rayou. Emeritus Professor in Educational Sciences. University of Paris 8. Research group Circeft-Escol. Juana M.…
Conference / September 6th and 7th, 2017
Centro Reina Sofía sobre adolescencia y juventud / 2017