Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe / MiCREATE

Grant Agreement number: 822664 — MiCREATE — H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018-2019-2020/H2020-SC6MIGRATION-2018

The overall objective of the project is to stimulate the inclusion of diverse groups of migrant children by adopting a child-centred approach to their integration at the educational and policy level. Stemming from the need to revisit the integration policies on the one hand and consistent with the specific focus of the call on the other hand, the research project aims at comprehensive examination of contemporary integration processes of migrant children in order to empower them. The project starts from the fact that European countries and their education systems encounter manifold challenges due to growing ethnic, cultural, linguistic diversity and thereby aims at:

  1. Identifying existing measures for the integration of migrant children at the regional and local level through secondary data analysis;
  2. Analysis of the social impacts of these integration programmes through case studies in ten countries applying qualitative and quantitative child-centred research;
  3. Development of integration measures and identification of social investment particularly in educational policies and school systems that aim to empower children.

The project is problem-driven and exploratory at the same time. Its exploratory part mainly concerns a child-centred approach to understanding integration challenges, migrants’ needs and their well-being. However, the findings of the open-ended exploratory research will be used in an explicitly problem-driven way – with an aim to stimulate migrant inclusion, to empower migrant children and build their skills already within the (participatory) research. This will be done through the activities of the Integration Lab and Policy Lab, where children’s voices, fieldwork and desk research findings will be translated into practices and measures for educational professionals and practitioners as well as into a child-centred migrant integration policy framework to stimulate social inclusion and successful management of cultural diversity.


  • Znanstveno-Raziskovalno Sredisce Koper, Slovenia (coordinador).
  • The Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.
  • Mirovni Institut, Slovenia.
  • Univerza V Ljubljani, Slovenia.
  • Syddansk Universitet, Denmark.
  • Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
  • Hellenic Open University, Greece.
  • Stowarzyszenie Interkulturalni PL, Poland.
  • Universitat Wien, Austria.
  • HFC Hope For Children CRC Policy Center, Cyprus.
  • CESIE, Italy.
  • Udruge Centar Za Mirovne Studije, Croatia.
  • DYPALL Network: Associacao Para O Desenvolvimento Da Participacao Cidada, Portugal.
  • Fakulteta Za Dizajn, Samostojni Visokosolski Zavod, Pridruzena Clanica Univerze Na Primorskem, Slovenia.
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.


Sancho-Gil, J., Onsès Segarra, J., Carrasco Segovia, S. (2022). Migrant children and youth in educational systems. The need for social support. The European Conference on Educational Research, ECER-2022. Yerevan Online, 02/09/2022.

Domingo-Coscollola, M., Onsès-Segarra, J., Carrasco, S., Sancho-Gil, J. (2021). Educational Approaches for Integration of Migrant Children at Schools in Spain. The European Conference on Educational Research, ECER-2021. Geneve Online, 6-9/09/2021

Stuardo, M., Hernández-Hernández, F. y Domingo-Coscollola, M. (2021). Teachers’ Notions of ‘Integration’ and ‘Inclusion’: Consequences for Rethinking the Capacity of Schooling for Promoting a Common Citizenship in EU. The European Conference on Educational Research, ECER-2021. Geneve Online, 6-9/09/2021

Sancho-Gil J. M., Onsès-Segarra, J., Domingo-Coscollola, M. & Sarrasco-Segovia, S., (2021). The Role of Families in the Processes of Integrating their Children into the Educational System. Comunicación del Proyecto Europeo de Investigación Micreate. AERA Virtual Annual Meeting “Accepting Educational Responsability” 2021. Orlando, FL, 9-12/04/2021

Hernández-Hernández, F., Sancho-Gil, J. M., y Domingo-Coscollola, M. (2020). From MiCREATE to “Drassanes World”: Transforming School Culture through School and UniversityCollaboration. MICREATE Conference 2020. International Online Conference. 4-5/12/2020

Onsès-Segarra, J., Domingo-Coscollola, M., y Carrasco, S. (2019). Migrant Reception Communities in Spanish context: integration policies, initiatives and gaps. The European Conference on Educational Research, ECER-2019. Hamburg, 04/09/2019

Gornik, B., Sedmak, M., Hernández-Hernández, F.,  & Sancho-Gil, J. M. (2021). Migrant Children’s Integration and Education in Europe. Approaches, Methodologies and Policies. Octaedro.

Judit Onsès-Segarra & Maria Domingo-Coscollola (2024) Integration of migrant children in educational systems in Spain: stakeholders’ views,Intercultural Education,DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2024.2314394

Hernández-Hernández, F. (2023). Pensar sobre las infancias globales desde el proyecto MiCreate: el papel de las estrategias artísticas para movilizar subjetividades en devenir. Visualidades, Goiânia, 21, 1-21. DOI: 10.5216/v.v21.72343. https://revistas.ufg.br/VISUAL/article/view/72343

Onsès-Segarra J, Carrasco-Segovia S, and Sancho-Gil JM (2023). Migrant families and Children’s inclusion in culturally diverse educational contexts in Spain. Front. Educ. 8:1013071. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2023.1013071

Estalayo Bielsa, P., Hernández Hernández, F., Lozano Mulet, P., y Sancho Gil, J.M. (2022). Ética y pedagogías de los cuidados en escuelas de Barcelona. Posibilidades, cuestionamientos y resistencias. Revisa Izquierdas, 51, 1-23. http://www.izquierdas.cl/ediciones/2022/numero-51/120-numero-52

Herraiz-García, Fernando; de Riba Mayoral, Silvia; Marchena-Ricis, Laura. 2022. «El potencial de las artes para imaginar otra educación. Aprendiendo de movimientos, posiciones y tránsitos en el caso del I.E. Pepa Colomer». En: Garcés, Marina (coord.). «Ecología de la imaginación». Artnodes, no. 29. UOC. https://doi.org/10.7238/d.v0i29.392758

Hernández-Hernández, F., Sancho-Gil, J. M., & Arroyo-González, M. J. (2021). The importance and necessity of researching emigration and its relationship with school education (La importancia y la necesidad de investigar sobre la emigración y su relación con la educación escolar). Culture and Education33(4), 585-596. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/11356405.2021.1987070

Juana M. Sancho-Gil, Sandra Soler-Campo, Maria Domingo-Coscollola & Fernando Hernández-Hernández (2021) Immigrant students’ knowledge and experiences around the school: a relational, child-centred approach (Saberes y experiencias del alumnado inmigrante en torno a la escuela: aproximación relacional y centrada en la infancia), Culture and Education. DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2021.1975455

Rivera-Vargas, P., Miño-Puigcercós, R., Estalayo-Bielsa, P., & Lozano-Mulet, P. (2021). MiCREATE Project. Migrant children and communities in a transforming Europe, Culture and Education. doi: 10.1080/11356405.2021.1949111

Stuardo-Concha, M., Soler-Campo, S., & Riera-Retamero, M. (2021). Discursos políticos y mediáticos contemporáneos sobre los inmigrantes: Una revisión de la investigación analítica del discurso en España. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (52), 31-57. https://doi.org/10.14422/mig.i52.y2021.002

Riera-Retamero, Marina, Hernández-Hernández, Fernando, De Riba-Mayoral, Silvia, Lozano- Mulet, Paula, Estalayo-Bielsa (2021). “Los métodos artísticos como desencadenantes de subjetividades en tránsito de la infancia migrante: un estudio en escuelas públicas de Barcelona”. Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 43,  167-192. https://doi.org/10.7440/antipoda43.2021.08

Estalayo, R., Miño-Puigcercós, R., Malinverni, L.; Rivera-Vargas, P. (2021). The challenge of social inclusion, beyond school: Tensions and deficiencies in the integration policies of migrant girls and boys in Spain. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 67(29), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.29.6258

Onsès-Segarra, Judit y Estalayo-Bielsa, Paula (2020). Integration Policies of Migrant Children in Catalonia: Challenges and Opportunities for  Change. ANNALES: Series Historia et Sociologia, 30, 2020, 4, pp. 629-642. https://doi.org/10.19233/ASHS.2020.42

Ocampo-Torrejón, S., Rivera-Vargas, P., & Hernández-Hernández, F. (2020). Educational strategies to promote intercultural inclusion at a public secondary school in Barcelona. Annales-Anali za Istrske in Mediteranske Studije-Series Historia et Sociologia, 30(4). 643-656. https://doi.org/10.19233/ASHS.2020.43


  • Sara Carrasco Segovia
  • Maria Domingo-Coscollola
  • Paula Estalayo
  • Xavier Giró Gràcia
  • Fernando Hernández (coord.)
  • Fernando Herraiz García
  • Paula Lozano
  • Laura Malinverni
  • Raquel Miño Puigcercós
  • Judit Onsès
  • Beatriz Revelles
  • Pablo Rivera
  • Juana M. Sancho Gil
  • Sandra Soler Campo
  • Miguel Stuardo-Concha
  • Marina Riera Retamero


  • Margarida Andrade
  • Mar Perelló Sureda

Grant Agreement number: 822664 — MiCREATE — H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018-2019-2020/H2020-SC6MIGRATION-2018