General information
“Affects as pedagogy: Relation between, space, time and bodies” is a conference to explore how the concept of affect transforms the pedagogical praxis.
This event has the aim to connect teachers, academics and cultural agents in an open way. Creating spaces for debate, the conference looks for sharing different experiences (academic, artistic and educative); as well as interdisciplinary knowledge (education, arts, humanities…). Thus, we invite researchers, university students, teachers, artists and cultural agents to submit an abstract and participate.
It is a conference organized by the doctoral programme in Visual Arts and Education of Fine Arts Faculty of University of Barcelona in collaboration with the research groups Esbrina and Indaga-t. Both groups have developed research projects interested in contextual and experiential dimensions of learning.
“Affects as pedagogy: Relation between, space, time and bodies” will take place on 21-22 of November 2019 in Barcelona.
About the topic
The interest on the affection initiated by Spinoza enables the affective turn which has allowed new forms of research that have been going beyond disciplines from the 90s until nowadays. Massumi and Deleuze are two of the main authors whom, inspired by Spinoza’s philosophy, have been thinking around the potentialities of the concept of affect. Feminist researchers such as Hickey-Moody (2016), Ellsworth (2005) and Revelles-Benavente (2017) have collected the concept of affection to rethink pedagogy. In particular, Hickey- Moody (2016) understands the affects as invisible forces that enable encounters between that corporeal and not only human forces, materializing the capacity for mobilization. The intensities that these forces might caused are intrinsic to nature and allow us to understand the world as a transit between states that enables transformation from experiences. When we refer to its pedagogical possibilities, we refer to understanding learning as relational events that produce this placements and production of subjectivation. Hickey-Moody, through these affirmations, shows the affect as pedagogical and relates it to the potentialities of art:
Art has the aptitude to re-work a body’s limits. Art can re-adjust what a person is or is not able to understand, produce and connect to. This is not to say that a work of art necessarily will change its viewers in prescribed ways, rather, that art works can create new associations and habits of clustering emotion around new images.
Hickey-Moody (2016, p. 261)
Art is pedagogical as far as it allows the bodies to vary when they come into contact in a certain space and time (Colman, 2010). Affection, which is the expression of change in these transforming relationships, has the possibility of conserving itself, although the relationship has lasted only a moment (Deleuze and Guattari, 1996) to modify our way of seeing the world (O’Sullivan, 2011). We see, then, that affection, pedagogy and art come together in a monistic and relational ontology that allows us to transform our educational and cultural practices.
For this reason, Hickey-Moody is one of the academic references that dedicates her research to the possibilities offered by affection from a feminist perspective. Professor at the RMIT University in Australia, her contributions allow us to see how affects allow us to break the limits of knowing, having the possibility of retention and transformation from a lived experience (Hickey-Moody, 2016). Having dedicated part of their research to the affections and their pedagogical potential, these days have their presence in order to enrich the debate and continue generating knowledge.
Thursday November 21st 2019
Conference Introduction
Paula Estalayo, Andrea Trenado , Silvia de Riba, Mar Sureda i Miriam C. Cabeza
Programa de Doctorat Arts i Educació, Universitat de Barcelona (Espanya)
Conference and debate
Anna Hickey-Moody
RMIT University (Australia)
Aurelio Castro
GROUP 1. Chair: Salomé Dávila.
Unfolding aspects of affects. Building relations through a performative approach to art education.
Samira Jamouchi (Østfold University College, Norway)
You, different somewhere: affective architectural pedagogies.
Stephan White, Stephen Walker, Jos Boys, Mark Hammond, Phillip Hall-Patch (Manchester School of Architecture, United Kingdom)
Del jardín de Epicuro al jardín del mi taller.
Maria Altuna Lizarraga (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain)
Everything Gardens! The Neighbourhood Academy: Learning in the ruins of our collective disaster.
Michelle Teran (Willem de Kooning Academy and Neighborhood Academy, The Netherlands)
GROUP 2. Chair: Mar P. Sureda.
The embodied criticality of socially negotiated art.
Yet Chor Sunshine Wong (independent art writer and researcher)
El cuerpo como lugar que habita la ajenidad y vulnerabilidad (a través de la performance)
Eider Chaves (Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU, Spain)
Goce del movimiento, expresión y afecto pedagógico. Reflexiones en torno a la psicomotricidad vivenciada en la Educación Infantil
Tanya Angulo, Mª Mar Bernabé, Vladimir Martínez (Universitat de València, Spain)
Parodia, arte y afectos. El cuerpo como espacio de enunciación.
Aingeru Gutierrez-Cabello, Estibaliz Aberasturi Apraiz, Jose Miguel Correa Gorospe (Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU, Spain)
GROUP 3. Chair: Marina Riera.
Teaching Empathy: Ecofeminist Affective Pedagogy for the Anthropocene
Sarah O’Brien (Drew University – Madison, NJ, United States)
Spatial and temporal aesthetic narratives of settler colonialism: Created aesthetic environments in British Columbia, Canada.
Serafina Appel (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Affective citizenship? Transcending national-global debate around citizenship education
Palma Grano (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Material pedagogies for understanding the intersections of gender, race and religion
Marissa Willcox (RMIT University, Australia)
GROUP 4: Chair: Paula Estalayo.
Everything is Dark, is Light.
Chara Lewis, Kristin Mojsiewicz, Anneke Pettican, Spencer Roberts (Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom; University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom)
Cartografía de la violencia machista en Valencia
Amparo Alonso-Sanz (Universitat de València, Spain)
Markets in Bogotá (Video-essay)
Mauricio Baez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
“¡Cuida’ o, las mujeres tienen poder!” Consumo de reggaetón en estudiantes de la ciudad de Puebla y su vínculo con la conformación de la femineidad.
Sandra Alethya Domínguez Carrasco, Irma Salas Sigüenza (Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Mexico; Universidad de Oviedo, Spain; Universidad de Lodz, Poland)
GROUP 5. Chair: Andrea Trenado.
La escucha como catalizadora de afectos a través de una práctica educativa en el museo.
Berta Ayuso Planas (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Vivencias narradas de un relato rizomático a cuatro voces.
Miriam Peña, Alaitz Sasiain, Regina Guerra, Maria Altuna (Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU, Spain)
Una conversación sobre una experiencia pedagógica basada en las artes, los contactos, los saberes situados y aprendizajes nómadas.
Leire Aranburu Etxegoien, Amaia Urzain Martínez (Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain)
End of the first day
Friday November 22nd 2019
Conference and debate
Mònica Cano Abadía
Institut für Philosophie. Karl- Franzens-Universität Graz (Austria) / Center for Advanced Studies – South East Europe. University of Rijeka (Croacia)
Marissa Willcox
GROUP 6. Chair: Silvia de Riba.
El afecto como expresión de la atención eficiente.
Inez Marçal (Doctora en arte y educación por la UB, especializada en comprensión emocional. Arteterapeuta y arte educadora)
Reflexiones pedagógicas de una docente universitaria: saber, emoción y conocimiento.
Patricia Hermosilla-Salazar (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Una investigación desde la educación primaria y las artes visuales, que afecta.
Estibaliz Aberasturi-Apraiz, Beñat Ostolaza (Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU, Spain)
Posos entre porosidades. Afectos y movimientos en nuestros cuerpos docentes.
Itziar Imaz, Amaia Urzain, Ixiar Rozas (Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Universidad del País Vasco/ EHU, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, UPV/ EHU, Spain)
GROUP 7. Chair: Miriam C. Cabeza.
Centralidad docente afectivo-discursiva. ¿Qué hay después de la vocación que nos engancha a enseñar?
Fabiana Paulino da Silva (Maestra de Arte, Ayuntamiento de Ihabela/Brasil. Doctora en Artes y Educación, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain)
¿Y cuando el aula es a distancia?: La producción de afectos en los ambientes educativos digitales
Lilian Ucker Perotto (Universidad Federal de Goiás, Brasil)
Thinking with litteratur; Following affects of litteratur in the creation of a minor Languages.
Kari Lerbak (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway).
Opening up to the world: young marginalised emerging artists and affective spaces.
Amy Spiers, Chiara Grassia (RMIT University, Australia)
Conclusion round table
Hickey-Moody, Mònica Cano, Fernando Hernández and Beatriz Revelles
Teachers experiences Afternoon
Conference – Introduction to affect
Beatriz Revelles
University of Granada (Espanya)
Affective pedagogy in learning life.
Fernando Hernández
Universitat de Barcelona (Espanya)
Pedagogical experiences related to affects
Ara serem gegants! O de com afectem i som afectades.
Marisol Anguita, Míriam Guetas (Escola Serralavella, Ullastrell, SPAIN)
Los afectos que se despliegan cuando um centro cambia de perspectiva pedagógica
Mikel Juaresti (Escola Gurutzeta, Barakaldo, Spain)
Dels afectes, moviments i canvis… a la dificultat de fer conscients aquests processos.
Ita Alabat (Escola Dovella. Barcelona, Spain)
Book launch
Deleuze and Masculinity (A. Hickey-Moody)
Call for papers
To enhance the debate and keep the generation of knowledge, we open the contributions to those interested in affect as pedagogy. Accepting an interdisciplinary focus, we invite papers from Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities with proposals that tackle (but not limited) to the following areas:
- Affect and emotion: pedagogical debates.
- Affect as pedagogy: the potentials of the arts.
- Affective pedagogical practices: materializing affect.
- Reconfiguring bodies in pedagogical time and space.
- Posthumanism and education: experiences through arts.
- Affective pedagogy and artistic production.
The contributions are open to teachers, cultural sector agents and researchers with interest on how affects propose new perspectives on pedagogy from interdisciplinarity. In order to participate through a communication, the fields recognized are within the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, but we remain open to other fields proposals —that can dialogue with the affects pedagogy— and transdisciplinary stakeholders.
Application process
To participate in the conference, we accept abstracts until the June 15th 2019. They should allow for the following considerations:
- Language: Spanish and English.
- File Format: Microsoft Word.
- Abstract length: 500 words maximum (without references).
- References: APA 2016.
- Mail adress:
Acceptance notifications will be sent before July 15th 2019.
Moreover, the conference committee will do a paper selection in order to publish them in Matters: A New Materialist Journal special issue.
Abstract application format
Keywords (from 3 to 5):
Abstract: 500 words maximum (without references). It could share the starting point, the aim of the paper, the experience or research related to and the contributions of the author.
November 21st and 22nd 2019
Fundació Antoni Tàpies
C/ d’Aragó, 255, 08007 Barcelona
Organized by
Programa de Doctorat d’Arts Visuals i Educació
With support from

Programa de Doctorat Educació i Societat – Facultat d’Educació
Organizing committee
- Miriam Corredera-Cabeza
- Silvia de Riba
- Paula Estalayo
- Mar Sureda
- Andrea Trenado
Scientific committee
- Felicity Colman
- Ana M. González Ramos
- Fernando Hernández-Hernández
- Beatriz Revelles Benavente
- Iris van der Tuin