Recomendaciones políticas y sugerencias para las prácticas
In the last three years we have developed the European project MiCREATE, with the participation of researchers from ten countries and fifteen organizations. Its objective is to explore and offer alternatives to how European educational systems welcome and respond to the needs of children and young people with a migrant background. This project has placed a special emphasis on the voices and experiences of children and young people and their educational contexts. It also considered the role and responsibility of all the parties involved, for which it conducted interviews with political leaders from various institutions, as well as interviewing experts and conducting reviews of educational policies. In this process, we have been able to debate notions such as integration, inclusion, colonial curriculum or intersectionality, and we explored with the participating schools possible responses to the cultural diversity in the classrooms.
This conference is especially aimed at those responsible for educational and social policies, entities, institutions, experts and groups linked to migration, youth and children of migrant origin.
The objectives of this meeting are:
- Share the political recommendations derived from the work carried out in the project.
- Debate the challenges presented by the inclusion of minors of immigrant origin in educational centers and in host societies.
- Exchange visions, tensions and alternatives to dialogue with a world and subjects that are increasingly global.
Wednesday May 11th 2022
Vision, content and scope of the project
Fernando Hernández Hernández
Coordinator of the MiCREATE project in Spain
Recommendations for educational policies and practices of the European project MiCREATE
Juana M. Sancho Gil
Universitat de Barcelona
Judit Onsès Segarra
Universitat de Girona
The case of migrant minors without a family reference
Dilara Ekmen
Comissió Catalana d’Ajuda al Refugiat
Rethinking the inclusion of migrant minors
Round table with institutional participants
Purificación Llaquet Baldellou
Subdirectora General de Cooperación Territorial e Innovación Educativa. Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional.
Isabel Tolosana Sánchez
Jefa de Servicio de Equidad, Inclusión y Aprendizaje permanente. Departamento de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Gobierno de Aragón
Laia Narciso Pedro
EMIGRA-CER Migracions. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Gemma Pinyol-Jiménez
Head of Migration Policies and Diversity. Instrategies – Think & Do
Maria Peix i Batet
Cooperació Internacional. Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona.
Contributions from attendees
Closing remarks
Fernando Hernández Hernández
Coordinator of the MiCREATE project in Spain