How do Teachers Learn? Cartographic Approaches on Teachers’ Corporeal, Ecological and Nomadic Learning

Symposium / October 25th and 26th, 2018

In the last years, the members of the research groups Esbrina and Elkarrikertuz, have developed several research projects that have placed especial emphasis in the contextual and experiential dimensions of learning. These projects made evident that personal and professional knowledge cannot be separated from the biographic, cultural, social, technological, and affective experiences of the learners. In this respect, learning is embodied in an ecological process. This environmental notion of learning led us to develop the research project: “How do Teachers Learn: Educational Implications and Challenges for Addressing Social Change – APREN-DO” (EDU2015-70912-C2-1-R).

In this project we invited teachers from infant, primary and secondary schools in Catalonia and Basque Country to get involved in workshops to generate visual cartographies of those scenarios, inside and outside school, where they learn. We also asked them to participate in conversations to think about what they value as source of knowledge and experience, to generate forms of understandings of their nomadic learning displacements, their tensions and personal and professional learning expectations.

Cartographies have been ‘useful’ for our research because were taken as a strategy to generate ‘knowledge’ and relate to the theory (concepts such as ‘becoming’, ‘nomadic learning’ ‘gestures’, ‘rhizomatic relations’, and so on).

At the end of this project, we would like to invite colleagues to reflect and share issues and questions emerging from this nomadic process of inquiry:

  • How can we access ‘places’ beyond the pre- established frameworks for research on teachers’ learning?
  • How to think on teachers’ learning beyond objectivity, modern onto-epistemologies, and representational logic in research?
  • Which are the contributions of inventive methods to expanding and questioning the narrative of teachers’ biographical-learning trajectories?
  • In which ways the cartographic process affects teachers’ learning gazes and researchers’ positionalities?
  • How a nomadic approach could introduce disruptive ways of thinking about what research on teachers’ learning could be?
  • How notions such as “becoming, displacement, strength, assemblage, entanglement, affects, gestures…” could expand the ways of narrating and help to raise new questions about teachers’ learning -and the very notion of ‘learning’ itself?
  • Which are the potentialities of strategies coming from this nomadic approach of learning and researching to rethink teacher professional development? 


Thursday October 25th 2018


Reception opening


Welcome and introduction to the Symposium

Juana M. Sancho Gil
Esbrina research group coordinator

Estibaliz Jiménez de Aberasturi Apraiz
Esbrina research group coordinator

Carles Guerra Rojas
Director of Tàpies Fundation


The multi-dimensional mapping of transindividual sympathy

Keynote and conversation

Elizabeth de Freitas
Manchester Metropolitan University


Coffee break



The attendees are distributed in discussion tables in the room.

Group 1: Cartographies related to education and training.
Chair: Aurelio Castro Varela (Universitat de Barcelona)

Group 2a: Teacher trajectories cartographies
Chair: Cristina Alonso Cano (Universitat de Barcelona)

Group 2b: Teacher trajectories cartographies
Chair: Juliane Correa (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

Group 3a. Teachers’ trajectories and experiences
Chair: Raquel Miño Puigcercós (Universitat de Barcelona)




Why does teacher learning matter? Critical Issues and Possibilities

Keynote and conversation

Maria Assunção Flores
University of Minho


Coffee break



The attendees are distributed in discussion tables in the room.

Group 3b. Teachers’ trajectories and experiences
Chair: Aingeru Gutierrez-Cabello (Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea UPV/EHU)

Group 4a. Learning in teaching students at university
Chair: Pablo José Rivera Vargas (Universitat de Barcelona)

Group 4b. Learning in teaching students at university
Chair: Maria Domingo Coscollola (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)


End of the day

Friday October 26th 2018


Ecologies of practice, speculative gestures and disobedient pedagogies

Keynote and conversation

Dennis Atkinson
Goldsmith College. University of London


Coffee break


Researching as researchers’ affection process

Keynote and conversation

José Miguel Correa Gorospe
Elkarrikertuz research group. University of the Basque Country




Teachers’ cartographies as territories to think about learning and affects

Keynote and conversation

Fernando Hernández-Hernández
Esbrina Research Group. University of Barcelona


Coffee break



The attendees are distributed in discussion tables in the room.

Group 5. Multimodalities in learning processes
Chair: Asun Martinez-Arbelaiz (University Studies Abroad Consortium USAC).

Group 6. Cartographies, corporeities and biographical movements
Chair: Judit Vidiella Pagès (ERAM, Universitat de Girona)


What the new ontology brings to rethinking research and education


Fernando Hernández

Juana M. Sancho
Esbrina Research Group. University of Barcelona

Elizabeth de Freitas
Manchester Metropolitan University

Dennis Atkinson
Goldsmith College. University of London


Final remarks

Asun Martinez i Aingeru Gutierrez-Cabello
Elkarrikertuz research group. University of the Basque Country

Joan-Anton Sánchez Valero i Maria Domingo Coscollola
Esbrina Research Group. University of Barcelona


End of the symposium


We invite all those interested in these issues to submit conceptual, practical and research papers around the previous questions attending the following considerations:

Language: Catalan, Spanish, or English.

File format: Microsoft Word.

Extension: minimum 700 words, maximum 1,400 (references included).

As a rule, especially for references, follow APA2016 standards.

Date: before July 15th 2018. Send your file to

Response on the accepted papers: July 25th 2018.

All papers will be accessible at the conference web page.

Paper template


October 25th and 26th 2018



Fundació Antoni Tàpies
C/ d’Aragó, 255, 08007 Barcelona

Organized by

With support from

Scientific committee

José Ignacio Rivas Flores
Universidad de Málaga

Adriana Gewerc Barujel
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Juan Bautista Rodríguez
Universidad de Granada

Jose Paiva
Universidad de Oporto

Christoph Meader
University of Teacher Education Zürich

Juliane Correa
Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais

Audra Skukauskaite
Klaipeda University, Lithuania

Apolline Torregrosa
Universidad de Ginebra

Daniel de Queiroz Lopes
Universidade Federal de Porto Alegre

Joaquin Paredes
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Carmen Alba
Universidad Complutense de Madrid